Does Massage Help With TMJ?

If you suffer from jaw pain due to problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) then you know how agonizing that can be. It can be chronic, never giving you any relief or that pain can come and go without warning.

Ignoring it won’t help (because frankly, it can get worse) so seeking a viable treatment option is important.

One of the most effective treatment methods for the pain often associated with TMJ is massage, specifically massage therapy for bruxism.

Bruxism (BRUK-siz-um) is a condition in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. If you have bruxism, you may unconsciously clench your teeth when you’re awake (awake bruxism) or clench or grind them during sleep (sleep bruxism). Sleep bruxism is considered a sleep-related movement disorder. –

You may wonder if massage really helps with TMJ? – The answer is yes, it certainly can help to relieve some of the painful symptoms that you may be experiencing from your TMJ syndrome.

Of course, every person is different so what works for one may not work as well for another but here at ABove Physical Therapy we have worked with many of our patients to treat their TMJ pain with massage and we have seen some wonderful results.

Below is just one of the comments we have received from our patients.

“So much more relaxed.  I felt like my cheekbones were actually prettier, which is what people say that too.  Because they were up in there in my cheekbones – more different somehow, more defined after I got massaged.” – Patricia B.

And it’s not just our client(s) that are telling us how much better they feel – there are studies to show how well it has worked for others.

“In a 2003 report…researchers surveyed 192 TMJ patients about their use of complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of TMJ. Of all the therapies reported, massage was rated as the most common (as well as one of the most helpful). In a 2007 survey of 126 TMJ patients, meanwhile, participants ranked massage as one of the most effective self-care strategies for both relieving and controlling pain. ” –

Is Massage Good For TMJ?

The right kind of massage therapy (specifically for Bruxism) can be effective if performed by someone who has been specifically trained in this area.

It’s much more than just massaging the jawline. There are multiple types of specific massage techniques that are used to treat TMJ Pain.

  • Intra-Oral NeuroMuscular Therapy – this massage technique is performed on your face and jaw and extends internally into your mouth.  The therapist can also work on your neck and shoulders as well if they determine that is needed.
  • Myofascial Release – this technique involves gentle and sustained pressure on the myofascial connective tissue throughout your body.
  • Visceral Massage Therapy – (aka Visceral Manipulation) light but specifically placed pressure to enhance the mobility and the tissue movement of the organs, which decreases pain and promotes the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Trigger Point Massage – focuses on isolating a specific area of the body that is triggering the pain and applying pressure and release techniques to that area.

These 4 methods are the most common forms of massage therapy for the treatment of jaw pain due to TMJ syndrome.

In addition to massage therapy for TMJ – it’s important to also work on the underlying issues that are causing your jaw muscles to tighten. Factors such as excessive gum chewing, teeth grinding and stress all can contribute to your TMJ problems.

Can A Massage Make TMJ Worse?

Massage may make the symptoms of any jaw pain worse if the jaw pain is due to an infection.  We strongly recommend that prior to visiting a Physical Therapist for treatment for TMJ or any type of jaw pain that you consult with your physician / dentist first.

How Do You Get Rid Of TMJ Fast?

There are a few treatment techniques that you can use to help relieve the pain of TMJ as quickly as possible but please understand that there is no quick resolution to this problem.

The treatment techniques we would recommend are…

  • For some people, using some type of moist heat applied to the areas that are giving you pain.
  • For others, using ice is more beneficial.
  • While your pain is acute, we would recommend to stick to a soft food diet. The less chewing you can do, the better.
  • Consult with your physician on what type of pain medication you can take.
  • Meditation or some form of relaxation technique.

In our practice here at ABove Physical Therapy we have seen benefits of massage to help relieve the pain from TMJ pain and we would like to help you.

If you have any questions about Pilates or any of our services, contact ABove Physical Therapy today at 770-904-2332.