Why Does My Jaw Lock When I Yawn?

If you have experienced jaw pain and tightness after yawning, know that you are not alone. The culprit is more than likely TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) and it affects about 10 million Americans.

If you are asking yourself, “Why does my jaw lock when I yawn?” – Basically, if the muscles around the temporomandibular joints are weak or if one side is stronger than the other side then it’s very easy for the joint(s) to pop out of their sockets. Stress and/or physical trauma can cause these muscles to become weak.

You may be at the stage where you purposely curb your yawns so that your mouth doesn’t open too much (if at all) just so you can avoid a locked open mouth!

Well, there can be relief and it doesn’t involve surgery or drugs!

There are physical therapists who are trained specifically to treat jaw, facial and cranial problems stemming from TMJ. Here, at ABove Physical Therapy – we have those therapists!

TMJ Massage To Relieve Jaw Pain

The main course of treatment that physical therapists provide for anyone who suffers from TMJ problems are specific massage techniques.

The 3 types of massage most commonly provided are:

  1. A Kneading type of massage
  2. A Trigger Point massage
  3. A Stretching massage

Kneading Massage For TMJ Relief

In this type of massage, the physical therapist uses their fingers to create a consistent circular type of motion against the temperomandibular joints and the surrounding muscles.

Trigger Point Massage To Relieve Jaw Pain

Trigger point massage works very similar to accupressure. The physical therapist applies a constant, steady pressure on the mandible muscle (the lower portion of the jaw along the jaw line).

Stretching Massage To Relieve TMJ Pain

To use the stretching massage, the physical therapist presses down on the muscles associated with the temperomandibular joint and slowly stretches them outward.

Depending on your specific TMJ issues – a physical therapist would use any combination of these treatment techniques to help relieve your jaw pain.

Dry Needling For TMJ

In our clinic at ABove Physical Therapy, we have been using dry needling to help our patients who suffer from jaw pain and other TMJ related symptoms with successful results.

Dry Needling is a therapy technique performed by a licensed practitioner utilizing one or many thin filament needles inserted into the muscle or soft tissue, such as tendons and ligaments. The purpose of this is to release muscle tension and pain.

We use the same type of needles that are used in Acupuncture but the placement of the needles is different.

Normally, the insertion of the needle is generally not felt, but there may be a slight cramping sensation experienced when a muscle is stimulated. There may also be soreness after treatment similar to having worked the muscle during exercise.

What Do You Do If Your Jaw Locks?

For most people, the very first time their jaw locks they run to the emergency room. Which makes perfect sense.

After all – it’s very frightening to find that you cannot close (or open) your mouth and if it’s locked in an open position, it can be very painful.

We do recommend that you go to the ER to have a physician look at the specific cause for your locked jaw. He/she may be able to give you advice on what to do if it happens again.

Generally, most jaws lock due to muscle constrictions caused by trauma or stress. If this is your case, then you can try the following techniques to help your jaw to unlock.

  1. Put a moist heating pad on your jaw immediately.
  2. Don’t panic, in fact you want to take deep breaths to try to relax. Meditate, listen to music, whatever you need to do to relax as much as possible.
  3. After 10-20 minutes, try to slowly open and close your mouth gently.
  4. If this doesn’t cause more pain, then try to move your jaw gently from side to side.

For the next several days or weeks, avoid the following:

  • yawning
  • singing
  • eating hard or chewy foods
  • chewing gum
  • chewing your food on one side of your mouth
  • clenching your teeth
  • resting your chin on your hand
  • slouching (yep, your posture can aggravate your TMJ problem)

Does TMJ Go Away?

Once your jaw locks, it can take several days or weeks to completely recover. But you should also be aware that it can certainly happen again.

If you practice the simple exercises that your physical therapist gives you and avoid or at least minimize as many of the items we listed above – you should be able to find lifelong relief from your TMJ problems.

What Will Happen If TMJ Is Not Treated?

If you do not seek treatment for your TMJ – the consequences can leave you with a lifetime of problems such as:

  • tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • chronic headaches, neck pain and shoulder pain
  • wearing down of your teeth
  • joint damage / inflammation
  • airway sleep disorders

There’s no reason to live with the pain and consequences of TMJ which causes your jaw to lock. Seek out a physical therapist who can help you.

If you have any questions about jaw pain or need physical therapy treatment for your TMJ issues, call us at ABove Physical Therapy in Suwanee, GA.  Our number is 770-904-2332.