Benefits Of Virtual Physical Therapy ...
It’s March 23, 2020 and the USA and many parts of the world are under “stay at home” restrictions in an attempt to squelch the fast pace spread of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) from human to human. If you were receiving physical therapy services (or you now need them) you may be wondering if and how…

Why You Should Live In The Present
A saying I’ve heard my whole life from my Dad is “carpe diem”. He says it every chance he gets and now well into his eighties, his reminder that we “only live today once, so don’t waste it” rings true more than ever! Carpe diem is a Latin phrase meaning “seize the day”. The saying…
Benefits Of Virtual Physical Therapy ...
It’s March 23, 2020 and the USA and many parts of the world are under “stay at home” restrictions in an attempt to squelch the fast pace spread of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) from human to human. If you were receiving physical therapy services (or you now need them) you may be wondering if and how…

What Can I Expect From A Lymphatic Drain...
The phrase “lymphatic drainage therapy” can sound intimidating if you have never had this type of treatment done before. But honestly, there’s nothing to fear. Like most any bodywork technique – this is a hands on therapy that can benefit most anyone. The difference from this type of therapy versus other types is the amount…

Core Exercises For Seniors To Improve St...
One of the best ways that seniors can avoid fall related injuries is to build up their “core muscles”. Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and stability, whether on the playing field or in daily activities. – mayoclinic.org Core…

Can A Physical Therapist Help With TMJ?
Most people don’t know that physical therapists can help with TMJ problems. The truth is, some physical therapists have had specialized training in treating problems related to jaw pain as a result of TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). There are physical therapists who are trained specifically to treat jaw, facial and cranial problems stemming from TMJ….

How Can Seniors Prevent Falls – Ti...
As we all grow older – one of the issues that most of us fear is that of falling down and injuring ourselves, or worse, not being able to get back up. Studies have shown that every 15 seconds an older adult comes into an emergency room because of an injury related to falling. According to…

Does Massage Help With TMJ?
If you suffer from jaw pain due to problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) then you know how agonizing that can be. It can be chronic, never giving you any relief or that pain can come and go without warning. Ignoring it won’t help (because frankly, it can get worse) so seeking a viable treatment…

How Long Does It Take For Pilates To Wor...
We all know that every “body” is different and that everyone’s body reacts differently to diet and exercise. That’s frustrating for many people, but if you can accept the fact that no one exercise can work the same for everyone, then you will be in a much better place to accept how long it may…

Face Massage To Get Rid Of A Headache
If you’ve ever suffered from a terrible headache, whether it’s a tension headache or a sinus headache – you know that either one can be debilitating. Most headache sufferers believe that massaging the temples is what will relieve that pain but truthfully, that may not be the answer. Here at ABove Physical Therapy – we…